Sunday, November 1, 2009


This morning our Pastor spoke on the paralyzed man in Luke 5 and challenged us to think about the areas in our life that we are paralyzed.

I know my area! Some days I feel like I have FULL range of motion and other days I feel PARALYZED...adoption will challenge every bone, fiber, and muscle you have...and your SOUL!

The verse that really spoke to me was Luke 5:20- "Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the man, "Young man, your sins are forgiven." ***It wasn't the FAITH of the was the FAITH of the men carrying the man.*** My heart was FULL...cause I HAVE friends and family who are carrying me...cause sometimes this journey is paralyzing.

I need THEIR FAITH...cause sometimes I don't have any. I need them to go before the Lord and BEG and plead for our child...cause sometimes I don't have the energy or words. I have a sweet friend who her and her husband have committed to fast and pray specifically for our baby and birthmom/birth family every Tuesday...because of THEIR FAITH.

And I hope because of MY FAITH...that the Lord will do amazing miracles in the lives of my prayer is that marriages will be saved, a job opportunity will come available, family members will be restored, and that the Lord would grant a dear friend a Godly husband...because of MY FAITH.

All the more reason we as Christ Followers must have a group of people who believe in us, challenge us, love us unconditionally, and have FAITH that God will DO what HE says!!!

***Its Adoption Awareness Month...will you please HAVE FAITH that the Lord will bring our child HOME...and if you know someone else that is adopting...encourage them...share YOUR FAITH with them...they might feel paralyzed...they might need to be carried!


Molly said...

Oh bless you! This is wonderful! Could not be more true of adoption and how it so strengthens and challenges your faith. I tell you's why I can't stop. Each and every time God teaches me new things and pulls me closer to Him.

elisa said...

So beautifully written Lindsey!

Anthony and Sharon said...

Hi Lindsey, I found your blog through the Shockleys who I found through the Hendrick's blog (they're a new life you know them?)

I wanted to tell you as I try and type with a squirmy 8 week old biracial baby boy on my tummy that they're real and yours is out there! Who knows it might be just a couple more months or weeks! The Lord knows and just be encouraged that your baby is going to blow your mind with his/her awesomeness!
I'd like to ask you if I could link your blog to our adoption blog? If so or if not, feel free to visit our blog and leave a comment (I approve them to publish so if you say no, don't worry, your privacy is safe).

Congrats on your journey!
~Sharon Rivers

Alicia said...

Lindsey, i'd love to talk to you. i got your email through New Life, that you sent about devotionals. i'd love to chat about orphan care in Houston. what church do you go to? have you heard about Orphan Sunday this Sunday?
email me at

Alene said...

Having faith with you girl! Can't wait to visit. Love ya.